Tiles at "Plaza España" (shipped over from Spain especially because apparently them Spaniards want some Mendocino glory too) ...
PS: I "borrowed" this picture.
I´ve been busy facebook stalking this morning, and "borrowing" pictures, so I decided that, because I CANNOT SLEEP IN EVER EVEN IF I GOT IN AT 5 AM, I would very calmly and cordially update this blog. For you, Max. For you.
I went out last night to a tango show, then to dinner, then to a club, then to a, uh, "Mr. Dog" around 4:30 in the morning.
At the tango show, they passed out free wine to whoever wanted some (...WHY can´t they do that in the States?? WHY???)
Dinner afterward was $60 total for 8 people to either eat WELL, split a bottle of wine, or both. It should be noted here that I DID NOT (ahem) drink half a bottle of red wine and then proceed to go around giggling like a maniacal troll.
The club we were directed to by our darling (gay) Mendocino friend "Facku" ... which is the kind of name that you just want to SHOUT ... was called "Queen". Wherein I danced with a lot of boys in tight shirts that were surruptitiously looking at my guy friends over my shoulder, and convinced the Mendocino (wearing a wedding ring?) at the counter to order me something (anything) with vodka because the barista was actively ignorning my little blue eyes and gringa face.
I recieved a cup of vodka and an energy drink called "Speed" ... and I can´t seem to decide if it´s worse or better than the energy drink called "Cocaine". The vodka was SO harsh on my little princess Costco-Grey-Goose tongue, that I almost spat out the mixture and had to give half to my darling Facku. Who took it, drank it without batting an eye, and then shook his head sadly at me.
The drag show was indescribable. Suffice to say that a 6 foot tall blonde queen wearing nothing but fishnets from the waist down immitated Marilyn Manson by dancing, lip synching, and cutting up a Barbie.
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