lunes, 21 de abril de 2008



I´ve been thinking in Spanish for two days straight, and it´s weird to write in English. I keep trying to type Spanish words ... and then I have to stop myself and start writing in English again ... but really, instead, it´s a fiesta of weird symbols because my fingers are totally lost on this keyboard. It looks like I´m swearing violently and censoring myself with upside-down question marks.

My family is absolutely lovely. My flight was absolutely not lovely. And here in Mendoza, it´s ... well, it reminds me of Mexico, some, except for it´s somehow kind of Italian ...? I miss my dogs and my horses ... it´s weird to be in my own room without animals. But my family already has me totally pinned ... Ani´s boyfriend lives two doors down and has a Golden Retriever ... and they brought him over yesterday so they could watch me fall to my knees and break into rapid English cooing. They were not disappointed.

I would freak out over being in my own room, except for the room is so damn cute, I want to be in there all the time to soak up the adorable factor. It´s little and it´s all floor-to-ceiling windows with cream curtains that open to the street. And to top it off it´s wood and white tile and RED. They totally scanned my brain and pasted it onto a bedroom.


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